Artist Registry

The White Columns Curated Artist Registry is an online platform for emerging and under-recognized artists to share images and information about their respective practices. The Registry seeks to create a context for artists who have yet to benefit from wider critical, curatorial or commercial support. To be eligible, artists cannot be affiliated with a commercial gallery in New York City.

To apply to the Registry, click here. Join our mailing list here to receive our open call announcement and other programming updates. For any further questions about the Registry, please contact us at

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New York NY US
Updated: 2023-11-04 13:27:29


The experience of place lies at the heart of my art practice. My work begins outside the studio, with observation of structures in the manmade landscape. Walking through a city or town, my eyes are drawn to curious forms and details: haphazardly patched roofs, makeshift construction-site barriers, mismatched tiles, a shadow cast by a broken shutter, the outline of a former doorway, long plastered over. I photograph as I walk, capturing details like these as well as compelling image fragments: angles, colors, patterns, textures and plays of light and shadow.

The thousands of visual references I’ve encountered and photographed serve as inspiration for my cardboard constructions, but my working process itself is intuitive and improvisational. Starting with no particular form in mind, I combine cardboard scraps left over from previous works, allowing each newly added piece to build organically on those already in place. The unpredictability of this approach takes the work in unexpected and satisfying directions.